Phlebotomy Certification San Diego

San Diego Phlebotomy Training

Anyone interested in becoming a San Diego medical professional should consider a career in phlebotomy. This type of career doesn’t require the extensive training that it takes to become a doctor; however it can be rewarding and competitive in pay. Although many people do not know what a phlebotomist is, you certainly need to learn more about the career path before you make any decisions for yourself. If you are interested in learning how to become a phlebotomist professional, then you should start by taking the time to learn as much as you possibly can about the job, what it takes to pursue the career, and what phlebotomy certification San Diego has to offer you.

What is Phlebotomy Certification San Diego?

According to medical sources, “a phlebotomist in San Diego is a medical technician trained specifically to take blood samples from patients.” While the main job of the phlebotomist will be to take blood, they have other responsibilities as well, including:

▪ Perform certain types of basic laboratory duties,

▪ Enter lab results into the office computer network,

▪ Ensure patient identification to keep blood tests and lab results properly filed, and

▪ Label all laboratory samples properly before analysis.

The phlebotomist will have to know what equipment they need to draw blood for specific types of tests. They will also need to know how to draw the right amount of blood. Additionally, this type of medical professional must be very aware of patient concerns. That means a person who completes an accredited phlebotomy certification San Diego course will need to know how to behave in a proper, professional manner at all times.

Phlebotomists in San Diego are hired in many different locations, including blood centers, hospitals, medical centers, clinics, doctor’s offices, and emergency rooms.

Basic Salaries of San Diego Phlebotomists

Depending on location and type of employer, a phlebotomist can make various salaries; however, according to Indeed, the national average is $29,000 annually. Those who pursue specialty training can expect even higher pay. For example, a mobile phlebotomist will make, on average, $35,000 a year. Even someone who pursues the education to be a basic phlebotomist can always choose to pursue specialty training at a later in order to advance their careers.

How to Become a Phlebotomist in San Diego

If you are interested in learning how to become a phlebotomist, then it is important to get all of the details before pursuing the education and career.

The first step to becoming a phlebotomist is to pursue the right phlebotomy certification San Diego. You will learn much more than just how to draw blood during your classwork. There are different educational opportunities when you are learning how to become a phlebotomist professional, and you can attend classes in person or online. There are even options for free phlebotomy training, but it is extremely important that anyone pursuing this education to choose from classes that have been certified. Otherwise, they will not be able to become a licensed phlebotomist in their state. Training will be in the classroom as well as through hands-on practicals. Some of the subjects that will be covered include:

▪ Anatomy and Physiology

▪ The Circulatory System

▪ Lymphatic Systems

▪ The Respiratory, the Skeletal, and the Muscular Systems

▪ Blood Cell Composition

▪ Emergency Skills

▪ Avoiding Infectious Diseases

▪ Patient Communication

▪ Interview Skills

▪ Obtaining Blood by Capillary or Venipuncture

▪ Obtaining Blood from Specific Aged Patients (Like Children or the Elderly)


▪ Medical Terminology

How Long is Phlebotomy Training In San Diego

Generally, it takes between four and eight months to complete the training, depending on whether the student is capable of attending class full-time or part-time. In order to become licensed, the student will need to have around 40 credit hours of classwork as well as 100 credit hours of a clinical externship, which is a direct observational laboratory class.

It is extremely important to take classes through an accredited school. The institution can be accredited through several different agencies, including:

▪ National Commission for Certifying Agencies

▪ National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences

▪ Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools

▪ National Organization for Competency Assurance

▪ Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs

If you take phlebotomy certification San Diego through a school that is not accredited, then you will likely not be able to get your licensing in many states. Additionally, keep in mind that each state has its own rules for licensing. If you want to learn how to become a phlebotomist, then it will be extremely important that you check the state requirements specifically for where you live. That way, you can ensure you meet all of the minimum education and testing requirements to become a professional.

Phlebotomy Classes And CPR Certification San Diego

At some point during your training, you’ll need to complete an American Heart Association CPR certification San Diego class. Without finishing your CPR class, you won’t be able to take the exam to become a California State certified phlebotomist. The CPR class in San Diego is typically 4 hours, and is completed in one day. There will be a combination of watching videos and practicing CPR on manikins. There are more than 10 companies in the San Diego area that offer CPR training. After completing the classwork through a licensed program, you will then need to take the certification exam. Depending on where you live, you will need to take one or two tests offered by the National Phlebotomy Association and the American Society for Clinical Pathology. A phlebotomy certification practice test can ensure you are prepared to pass the exams.

If you wish to take specialty training to increase your skillset and possibly your compensation, then some of the classes you could choose include:

▪ Blood Banking

▪ Cytotechnology

▪ Histotechnology

These types of cross training classes can ensure more employment opportunities. Additionally, many employers may pay higher if you complete the specialty education. However, keep in mind that this specialty training is not required to pursue a career in phlebotomy.

One other important first step in becoming a phlebotomist is to find out what the requirements for your state. Whether you choose to train online or in-person, you will need to take a series of classes that will require work for one to two semesters depending on how many classes you take at a time. After that, you will need to take the certification exams, and it’s a good idea to start with a phlebotomy practice test so that you can ensure you will pass. After this, you need only get the proper certification in your state. Phlebotomy is an excellent career choice in the medical field, and training and certification take a relatively short time to complete. You can easily get your certification and begin your San Diego phlebotomy career in less than a year.

Phlebotomy and LVN Programs In San Diego

Phlebotomy training often goes hand-in-hand with LVN programs in San Diego. One of the main jobs of LVN’s in San Diego is being able to competently draw blood from patients. They also need to know basic laboratory procedures. An example of this would be how to effectively use a centrifuge. Many LVN’s are also certified in IV therapy, so they have to be used to finding an appropriate vein in the patient. For many LVN students in San Diego, they will also take IV training and phlebotomy training. Although it helps to know how to properly draw blood, it is not mandatory that LVN students have phlebotomy certification.

Phlebotomy and Nursing Schools In San Diego

It would be surprising to many that the average Registered Nurse isn’t necessarily proficient in drawing blood. That’s because phlebotomy training isn’t typically required at most nursing schools in San Diego. Some nursing students have actually worked as phlebotomists or laboratory assistants before enrolling in one of the many accredited nursing programs in California. Knowing how to skillfully draw blood is hugely beneficial to new grad nurses, because they will often be directed by the nurse supervisor to draw blood from the patients who have either been admitted to the hospital, or patients who are being seen in the Emergency Department.